Posts Tagged ‘me’

Once upon a (long time ago) time there was a year 12 girl who wasn’t sure what she wanted to do when she left school. Careers advice was either – become a nurse or a teacher? She loved English, did heaps of English at college (and reading was a *snack* – as people used to […]

We are incredibly lucky to live so very close to Mt Ainslie (part of Canberra Nature Park). I say lucky because we didn’t really notice how close we were to the bush when we bought our house 18 years ago. I put it down to being 8 1/2 months pregnant at the time. We walk […]

Wall of sound How cool is that phrase? How cool is the music? My music this week. Ronettes, Crystals, Righteous Brothers…. Has covered me, enthused me, kept me going in a super busy, productive week. What about you??

A couple of lovely people, Kate and Con said yesterday that my posts are always full of heart. I replied to say that I do pretty much wear my heart on my sleeve. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t. Anyway, speaking of heart. My gmail address is kate.goodheart and do you wanna know why? […]

1pic1thoughtinAug 27 Back to the futura Originally uploaded by KatieTT Home. Spent all day writing an essay. Parcel. My futura t-shirt arrived! Thinking quite a lot about the futura at the momenta. Kx